Mountain Safety Guide

Mountain safety is a partnership

SKI NY and its member ski areas created the Mountain Safety Guide to educate our guests on how to ski and snowboard responsibly while having a fun experience. Learning and practicing what is in this guide, using common sense and making good decisions will contribute to your safety and the safety of all guests.

Before you Ski & Ride

So, you’re ready to ski or snowboard. Whether it was family or friends, the beauty of the mountains, or love for outdoor recreation that brought you here, PREPARATION will help your trip to the slopes be both enjoyable and safe.

Your Responsibility Code

National Ski Patrol Kids on Lifts Safety

Video: National Ski Patrol Kids on Lifts Safety

Always wear a helmet

Wear a properly fitted helmet with the chin strap securely tightened to help prevent or minimize injuries.

Learn more about helmet safety

Illustration of a skier wearing a helmet

Use properly maintained equipment

Have bindings inspected and correctly adjusted by a certified technician.

Dress for winter

Dress in water– and wind-resistant outerwear and layers to accommodate changing conditions.

Protect yourself from UV rays

Use sunscreen and wear goggles or sunglasses. The sun at altitude is intense, even on cloudy days.

Snowboard instructor with students

Take a lesson

Every experience level can benefit from professional instruction.

On The Slopes

Skiing and snowboarding are active and exciting outdoor sports with inherent risks that cannot be eliminated, including the risk of serious injury and death. Because of these risks, it is YOUR responsibility to be aware of your surroundings, the conditions, and your ability.

Ski or Ride in Control

Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Ski or ride at a speed you are able to safely stop and avoid others and objects you may encounter.

Illustration of a skier wearing a helmet

Do Not Enter Closed Areas

Ropes and closures are in place for your safety.

Look Out for Hazards and Obstacles

Both natural and man-made. Resorts may use poles, flags, discs, ropes, fencing, signs, and other devices to provide visual warnings. No resort can mark all hazards and obstacles. Be aware of changing conditions.

Look Out for Over-Snow Vehicles

They may be on the slopes heading uphill or downhill, so stay clear of them at all times.

Preventing Collisions

Tips for Avoiding Collisions

Complementing the Responsibility Code and it's 10 tenets, #RideAnotherDay promotes 3 actions every skier and rider can take to help keep themselves and those around safer on the slopes.


Be Ready

Be ready to slow down or avoid objects or other people at any time.

Ski and ride in such a way that you are always able to control yourself regardless of conditions and avoid others and objects you may encounter on the run, groomed or otherwise.


Stay Alert

Stay alert to what’s going on around you, especially other skiers and riders.

Being aware of those around and changing conditions will help you have a fun and safe day on the hill.


Plan Ahead

Ease up at blind spots, check uphill when merging onto trails, and give other skiers plenty of room when passing.

Look out for spots on the run where traffic merges or you can't see what's coming next. If you are unfamiliar with a run, take it easy the first time down it and make note of places where you'll want to slow down, such as cat tracks and rollers.

Also, give other skiers and riders lots or room, especially if you are passing them. There's plenty of space out there, so there's no need to crowd each other.

By doing these three things every run, you'll be helping keep the slopes safe and enjoyable, for you and everyone else.

Mountain Signage

Maps and mountain signs contain information that can help you find trails and lifts, know when trails merge or if terrain is closed, learn where slow skiing and riding is required, and locate ski patrol and other mountain services.

Trail difficulty ratings are relative to each resort’s specific terrain and rating systems do vary by resort (e.g., a "black diamond" for more difficult intermediate runs), so guests should always be aware of a particular resort's rating system. Work your way up from easier to more difficult trails. When in doubt about a trail or what type of terrain a lift serves, ask resort staff for guidance.

Trail rating symbols indicate the difficulty level of terrain. Here’s what they mean:

Collage of signage
Collage of signage
Snowboarders on a groomed green run

Green Circle Easier

Skier on a groomed blue run

Blue Square More Difficult

Skier in deep powder a black run

Black Diamond Most Difficult

Snowboarder dropping off a rock

Double-Black Diamond Experts Only

Skier hitting a rail

Orange Oval Freestyle Terrain

Get to Know New York State Ski Code

Learn more about New York State Ski Code at

WARNING TO SKIERS: Downhill skiing, like many other sports, contains inherent risks including, but not limited to the risk of personal injury, including catastrophic injury, or death, or property damage, which may be caused by variations in terrain or weather conditions; or, surface or subsurface snow, ice, bare spots or areas of thin cover, moguls, ruts, bumps, or other persons using the facilities; or rocks, forest growth, debris, branches, trees, roots, stumps; or other natural objects or man-made objects that are incidental to the provision or maintenance of a ski facility in New York State.

New York law imposes a duty on you to become apprised of and understand the risks inherent in the sport of skiing, which are in this subdivision, so that you make an informed decision of whether to participate in skiing notwithstanding the risks.

New York also imposes additional duties upon you, to which you must adhere, for the purpose of avoiding injury caused by any of the risks inherent in skiing. If you are not willing to assume all of these risks and abide by these duties, you must not participate in skiing at this area.

Happy skiers on a chairlift

Lift Safety

Lift incidents are almost always avoidable. It's important (and part of Your Responsibility Code) to know how to load, ride and unload all lifts safely.

Illustration of an adaptive skier

If you need assistance or there is a problem, SPEAK UP, and tell a lift operator.

Be a Safe Skier - Know The law

Know Lift Safety in New York State.

Click below to read the law governing passenger tramways in New York State.


Terrain Parks

Terrain parks offer unique challenges and risks. Every park is different and it is important to use features that meet your ability. All users should educate themselves on Park SMART.

Parents, make sure you understand Park SMART and ensure your kids are educated on the proper use of terrain parks and their features.

Park Smart logo

Snow Safety

Closed Areas

Ski Patrols use a variety of techniques and equipment to close trails and glades. For your safety, never enter a closed area.

Changing Snow Conditions

Both natural and man-made. Resorts may use poles, flags, discs, ropes, fencing, signs, and other devices to provide visual warnings. No resort can mark all hazards and obstacles. Be aware of changing conditions.

Out of Bounds

Never leave the ski area boundary, you do so at your own risk. Ski patrol services are only available inside the ski area boundaries.

Be Prepared - Check out the trail report at the Central Information Board

Check out the trail report at the ski area when you arrive.


Commit To Safety

When it comes to safety, we are all in this together. Our Commitment to Safety helps us prepare and operate the mountain for your enjoyment. Your Responsibility Code helps you understand the rules you must follow to enjoy a safe day on the slopes.

Your Responsibility Code

Your knowledge, decisions and actions contribute to your safety and that of others. If you need help understanding the Code, please ask any ski area employee. Remember that staying in control is the best way to stay safe on the slopes.

Graphic showing the 10 responsibilities, click for PDF

Our Commitment to Safety

We are committed to addressing safety every day and in every facet of our operations. This guide is part of that commitment.

Graphic showing the 7 commitments, click for PDF

It's the Law

Learn more about New York State Ski Law at

Our Partners in Safety

For further information about skiing and riding in New York, go to